As part of its efforts to educate, spread knowledge and enhance skill, CBOO has been bringing out books, study materials and manuals. Some of them are regularly updated and are brought out by the Balasubramaniam Foundation for Education & Training. In 1999, a book containing the history of CBOO from 1973 to 1998 was brought out. The book titled "In search of an identity: CBOO through 25 years" was authored by T. R. Bhat, the President.
It was a well documented volume as mentioned by Prof. Jacob Mankidy, Professor on HR and Industrial Relations in National Institute of Bank Management, Pune in his foreword. Says he:
"Over the past 25 years of CBOO has gone through different phases of growth. This book gives a description of this process of growth. The book also clearly shows the paradigm shift of CBOO from adversarial relations to more of collaboration and participation. As trade unions mature, they will also have to look beyond the traditional confines of union activities and find newer vistas in social and educational fields. It is interesting to note that CBOO has established a welfare fund for its members and is also involved in educational and other social activities.
This documentation is certainly a landmark, and it will be useful to managements, trade unionists and students of industrial relations in the country. Besides, it is a good source material for the present and future members of CBOO"
Earlier in August 1998, a book titled "Voice of CBOO" authored by T.R.Bhat was brought out. It was a collection of the editorials written by him in the monthly Journal "Officers' Voice" during 1982 and 1998 . S.R.Sengupta, the then General Secretary of AIBOC says as under:
"The changes in financial sector especially in banking over the last two decades have been well documented chronologically and subject wise- it will act as a reference document to the generation next who will be interested in trade union movement. The sophistication, the supremacy, the command, the perception, the intelligence and the wit with which the editorials have been written on contemporary issues, are worth emulating by other trade union journals".
List of books brought out by CBOO :
Title Author Subject Year of Publication In Search of an Identity - CBOO through 25 years T.R.Bhat History of CBOO 1999 Voice of CBOO T.R.Bhat Collection of Editorials published in Officers' Voice 1998 CBOO Manual on Service Conditions BFET Publication Compendium of all service matters governed by industry settlements and agreements within the Bank 2006 CBOO Guide on English BFET Publication - 2007 CBOO Guide on Banking BFET publication - 2007 Editors' Choice T.R.Bhat [Editor] Collection of best editorials by the editor from Officers' Voice 2007 CBOO – Inspiring Four Decades T.R.Bhat History of CBOO 2015