Starting a bulletin to be published regularly was a decision taken in 1981 General Body Meeting. The name "Officers' Voice" was among the names suggested by members. The author of this name was A.Krishna Rao (presently Director, Cobseti, Chikmagalur). The first issue was released in July 1982. The magazine has now been registered with the Registrar of Newspaper in India vide no. KARENG/2008/14831
OFFICERS' VOICE was intended to disseminate information and to provide a mouthpiece for both the members and the leadership. T R Bhat was its Founder Editor (1982 -2009). D N Prakash edited the OV from 2010 – 2015. Presently, Ekanath Baliga is the Editor.
From the days of fear of infant mortality and uncertainty of July 1982 when the first issue was released, it continued to be published without interruption to date. It crossed 100th number in October 1990, the 200th in January 1999 and the 400th in October, 2015.
It has become a powerful medium of reaching members and a medium for them to express their views. Its editorials have been acclaimed for being objective, constructive and analytical. There were controversies due to varying perceptions. The subjects covered therein are wide ranging – from trade union to national issues. It is supplied to the members free of cost. A few outsiders connected with the movement and eminent persons and well-wishers are also in the mailing list.
To improve the contents, continuous efforts are made. ‘Health Watch’ and ‘Class Room’ are two columns receiving good appreciation. To educate the members on their role towards the union a regular column “Through the Looking Glass” was written by the then President (and Editor) T R Bhat in 1999. To guide them on disciplinary matters a column “Through the Disciplinary Lens” was introduced in 2002 written by the then Vice President, Kaushik K Ghosh.“Classroom” supplements knowledge on latest aspects of banking, finance and economy. “Plainspeak” was another column from T R Bhat from 2010 onwards.
In response to a suggestion made by many members the editorials that appeared in Officers’ Voice till 1998 were compiled into a book and published with the title “Voice of CBOO”. The contents are arranged according to the subject. The book covers diverse issues like Industrial Relations, trade union movement, HR management, economic policy and banking sector reforms.
The special and distinct feature of Officers’ Voice – attracting the first attention of every reader - is the last page print, “In Lighter Vein” scripted by H S Vishwanath. These are cartoons on the real life issues encountered, experienced, suffered and desired by the bankers.
The present Editorial Team of OV:
Editor : Ekanath Baliga
Associate Editor : Satish Shetty
Member : H S Vishwanath
Member : K B Prasada
Member : Y Sudhindra
Members can write to the Editor, furnishing their views, comments and reactions (“Members React”) or even contribute to the OV.
The latest issue of Officers' Voice is available on the website.
The First issue being released by Mr.B Y Bhosale, then Superintendent of Police, Mangalore,Watching him are (L to R) Mr.Y.S.Hegde, Executive Director (as he then was) of the Bank. and Mr.T.R.Bhat.
The 200th issue being released by Dr.N.K.Thingalaya, Economist and former CMD, Syndicate Bank.Others are LtoR T.R.Bhat, Editor, R.S.Hugar, CMD and D.N.Prakash, General Secretary