The Industrial Relation scene in Corporation Bank, as far as officers are concerned, has witnessed prolonged tranquility, thanks to a structured bilateral relationship between the Bank's Management and CBOO. Most of the issues affecting the officers are discussed and resolved; policy issues are negotiated and settled.
To a large extent, the relationship is governed by the Code of Conduct governing the recognition of CBOO as sole bargaining agent for the officers in the Bank evolved in April 1984. (To know more, see separate section CODE OF CONDUCT GOVERNING THE RECOGNITION OF CBOO) This approach has greatly contributed to the comparative peace and consequently sustained growth of the Bank.
There were, however, serious conflicts. On certain issues CBOO had to take strong stand against Management's rigidity. These contentious issues did cause strain in industrial relations between the officers and the Bank Management.
The major issues which caused conflicts are:
1. Transfer Policy
2. Fitment of pay of promotee Officers
3. Providing of Bank's quarters to all officers
4. Transfer of Office bearers
5. Reimbursement of conveyance expenses to all officers
6. Furniture facility for all officers
7. Refusal to introduce V R S in Corporation Bank
Out of these the first and the last issues caused extreme strain resulting in strikes - one in December 1988 and the other in March 2002. The remaining issues were resolved through considerable pragmatism on the part of both the parties. But for these two spells of unrest during the past 43 years, the relationship has remained not only cordial but fruitful.
[More about the Bipartite relationship is available in the book "In Search of an Identity: CBOO through 25 years" and “CBOO – Inspiring Four Decades”]