The parties appreciate the need to promote harmonious industrial relations, better discipline and efficiency to achieve the objectives set by the Bank.
With a view to developing a co-operative and collaborative culture both by the Officer Employees and the Management in regulating their relationship, the Management of Corporation Bank and Corporation Bank Officers' Organisation accept to abide by the following code:
I. The Management and the Organisation
1) Affirm their ideological congruence, belief in co-operative consultation and communication, resolution of differences and problems through bipartite discussions, implementation of understandings and agreements.
2) Agree that they will not resort to unilateral actions or litigation on matters affecting the larger interest of the Officers.
3) Agree that they will not directly or indirectly support or encourage any unfair labour practices.
II. The Organisation
1) Will observe constitutional means in sorting out all the differences and problems concerning the Officers of the Bank, with the Management.
2) Agrees not to permit demonstrations which are not peaceful.
3) Agrees not to incite, and indulge in willful damage to the Bank's property.
4) Agrees that its members will not engage or cause other officers to engage in any union activities during working hours unless as provided for by law, agreement or recognized practice.
5) Agrees to express disapproval and take appropriate action against office bearers and members for indulging in any action against the spirit of this code.
6) Agrees that no notice or communication, which in the opinion of the Management is either derogatory or prejudicial to the interest of the Bank would be permitted to be displayed on the notice boards of the Organisation at the premises of the Bank's Office/Branches.
III. The Management
1) Agrees to recognize the Corporation Bank Officers' Organisation as the sole bargaining agent of the Officers of the Bank.
2) Agrees
i) To take prompt action for settlement of grievances.
ii) Implementation of agreements and understandings with the C B O O
[This code was signed by CBOO and the management of the bank in April 1984 as part of the formal recognition of CBOO as sole bargaining agent for officers in the bank.]
As a part of the formal recognition of CBOO effective from 1984 the management of the Bank has permitted CBOO to display its notice boards at different branches and other offices of the Bank. The notice board should be of 18" x 27" dimension and can be used to display the circulars, notices and bulletins of the Organisation.